How to increase subscriber on youtube? 2024

 How to increase subscriber on youtube? 2022 

Hello friends, how are you very much welcome in our post if you guys have created a youtube channel. And have been working hard on it for a long time but you are not getting its fruits, a lot of time has passed. But the subscribers are not increasing on your channel, so today I will tell you some ways with the help of which you can increase the subscribers on your YouTube channel. Because I myself have tried using those methods and got very good results on my channel too. So you guys also try to increase the subscriber on your YouTube channel by using that method.

How to increase subscriber on youtube?

Tell me, you must try using these methods. So friends, right now I am going to tell you about the ways to increase subscribers on YouTube. They have to be read carefully because by these methods the subscribers on your channel will increase very quickly.

For your information, let me tell you how subscribers can be increased?

1) Make videos on youtube shorts

Friends, recently a new feature has been launched by YouTube, which is named as YouTube Shorts Videos. Which is being liked a lot by the common people, you must have often seen that nowadays YouTube brings most of the short videos on the trending page. So you yourself can also promote your channel through YouTube shorts.

That's why if your channel is not growing and your subscribers are not increasing. So I would advise you here that you should make videos on YouTube shorts. Because youtube shorts gets a lot of views so that you will get more subscribers.

 If you guys have created a new channel or you want to create a new channel. So pay special attention to YouTube shorts videos before starting them. So that you can complete your subscribers as soon as possible. You probably won't believe that I made more than 10,000 subscribers in 1 month by making shorts videos on YouTube. But according to me, you should pay special attention to YouTube shorts in the beginning.

2) Upload the video by setting a fixed time


You guys have to decide a right time for your channel and at the same time you should upload the video. YouTube will work to make your video reach as many people as possible. As I told you that I used to upload videos on my channel after 3 months at 6:00 PM which resulted in this. That after 2 months my YouTube channel started getting around 16 thousand and around 400 to 500 subscribers daily.


 That's why whenever you upload a video to your YouTube channel, you should set a certain time. Only then will you get the benefit for uploading the video.

3) Share video on social media


When you create your YouTube channel, create an account with the name of the channel on every social media platform like Facebook Instagram Twitter etc. And whenever you upload a new video on YouTube channel, then you have to share the link of the same video on the social media platform.


With this, along with you and followers from social media sites, some time traffic will also come to your YouTube channel. Which will help you completely in completing a lot of time on your channel.

4) Promote videos with Google Ads


Friends, this method is also very useful, you can promote videos on your channel through Google Ads. But this method is not free. In this you will have to spend money, if you apply on your YouTube videos through this method, then your YouTube video will reach many people.

Then more and more views will start coming to your channel and views will come on your channel. So the subscribers will also increase. Through Google Ads, this one can determine what age man your video should be shown to. Through Google Ads, you can increase the views on your channel by fixing a fixed time.

If the subscriber is not increasing on your YouTube channel, then you must try using this method. But if you have not loaded more videos on your channel, then do not spend money by promoting your channel through Google Ads. When you have 7 to 8 videos on your channel, then you must try using this method.

5) Use an app to increase subscribers


If you want to increase subscriber on your YouTube channel without hard work. So for this you will get many applications, you will get it available on both Play Store and App Store. On this, along with increasing the subscribers on your YouTube, you can also increase the likes and usages. In this you only have to collect coins and with their help you can increase subscribers on your channel.

But I will give you the same advice how not to increase the subscriber on your channel. Because due to this your YouTube channel may be in danger. That's why you stay away from it and increase your subscribers in a Genuine way.

6) Do keyword research before making a video

Friends, when you are making a video for your YouTube channel, you must do keyword research first. This will give you the advantage that you will get an idea of ​​whose world is searched on YouTube.

If any keyword like how to increase subscriber on youtube is searched a hundred times for free. So it is the same word like (how to grow youtube channel) but one thousand times are searched, then the keyword which is being searched 1000 times. Made a video on it and not the one which is searched 100 times. Keyword research is a process of SEO, on which if you use it properly, you can make millions of in-laws big on your channel.

7) Enter tags, title and description correctly

If you do not want to bring more traffic to your YouTube channel, then you have to enter the title tags and description correctly while uploading the video. By doing this, your videos are delivered to as many people as possible. And the ranking of your video also increases, due to which the chances of increasing the subscriber to your channel will be very high.

You should add such a keyword to the title of your YouTube video that people search more often. And in the description also, you should give information about the video, by doing this the seo system of YouTube will be able to understand easily and your video will come on top.


So friends today through this post I have told you how to increase subscriber on YouTube? 2022 I sincerely hope you have understood well. And you tell me by following these methods, you will be able to increase subscribers on your YouTube channel very easily. Hope you have liked one of my posts. So please share it with your friends on social media platforms. Rest you have to ask any question related to this post of mine. So you can comment below, we will try our best to help you completely. That's all for today, see you again thanks in the next post.

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